STARS - 2015
Overall Objectives
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Overall Objectives
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Results

Safe Composition in WCOMP Middleware for Internet of Things

Participants : Annie Ressouche, Daniel Gaffé, Ines Sarray, Jean-Yves Tigli.

Keywords: Synchronous Modeling, Ubiquitous Computing, middleware, internet of things

The aim of this research axis is to federate the inherent constraints of an activity recognition platform like SUP (see section  6.7 ) with a service-oriented middleware approach dealing with dynamic evolutions of system infrastructure in ubuquitous computing, and particularly in the Internet of Things (IoT). The Rainbow team (Nice-Sophia Antipolis University) proposes a component-based adaptive middleware (WComp  [86] , [85] , [66] ) to dynamically adapt and recompose assemblies of components.

IoT is a way to combine computation and communication capabilities, sometimes in large scale information systems, with a huge number of complex devices connected to the physical world. Such infrastructures are often dedicated to the deployment of multiple applications, running concurrently. These applications are using shared devices from a common environment through different network middleware and numerous IoT protocols. Indeed, “Things”, also called the Entities of Interest [63] , are the part of the real world in which devices are interacting and which must not be neglected. We aimed to model and validate concurrent accesses to shared devices without neglecting their associated Entity of Interest, their common physical context. One of the main challenge is then how to guarantee and validate some safety and integrity properties throughout the system's evolution. In WComp middleware, we use synchronous models to facilitate the study and the validation of new composition mechanisms between applications at runtime. Then key problems to solve are: (1) how to specify and respect the "Thing" behavior? (2) how to ensure a safe combination of these multiple accesses when several services accesses a same entry of an Entity of Interest ? (3) how to manage multiple uses when applications simultaneously use a same service ?

This year, we addressed these problems by relying on formal method to model device behaviors as synchronous automata, taking into consideration their impact on the Entity Of Interest. Such an approach allows applying model-checking techniques to verify safety properties of applications. The main contribution is the definition of a sound way to compose models allowing context change adaptation. This composition relies on synchronous parallel composition paradigm. We proved that this operation preserves safety properties. However, it is not sufficient to obtain a global model of this composition because some devices may interact with the same Entity Of Interest. Moreover, several applications may use the same device services and then they can have concurrent accesses to their entries, so it can have an unexpected impact on our Entity Of Interest. Therefore, we added constraints to the device models composition and to applications level. We defined a generic way to express these constraints, independently of the knowledge about the devices and the applications, only their type is sufficient. We proposed the Description Constraint Language (DCL) to express these generic constraints and their compilation into le Mealy machines. Thus we rely on clem model-checking facilities (see section 7.22 ) to validate the constraints. As a consequence, this approach ensures the adaptation to a context change and offers a means to formally perform validation.

These results have been published in [43]